lets go of these emotions

Wondering how to spend your time with these sexy escorts? We are sure you have got the idea, but just in case some of the novices out there are wondering, here are a few tips. An Australian escort has only one mission in her life; to keep you happy! Now, you knew that. Your physical and emotional well being is guaranteed when you spend time with an escort. Get to know these beauties close, treat them nicely and you will have the time of your life. Massage also allows the body to let go of stress. "It may be that the client has had a stressed-out year, or month, or several months and all the stress is built up," says Funk. In some cases, the body may be holding the memory of a trauma long forgotten. When your body finally relaxes, that memory can surface as you become more connected to being in your body. There may be tears or some other expression as your body releases and lets go of these emotions. Flashbacks that occur during massage are a part of this same memory mechanism, according to psychotherapist P.K. Hawk, formerly of the East-West Health Center in Denver, Colorado. "If a certain area of the body is being touched in a similar way to what the trauma was, it can actually feel as if they're repeating the trauma," said Hawk.